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Play the darkness

Maison de la danse 24images - Scènes d'écran 2019 - Director : Riolon, Luc

Choreographer(s) : Yokoï, Yuichi (Japan)

Present in collection(s): 24images - Scènes d'écran

Video producer : 24 images - Scènes d'écran

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Play the darkness

Maison de la danse 24images - Scènes d'écran 2019 - Director : Riolon, Luc

Choreographer(s) : Yokoï, Yuichi (Japan)

Present in collection(s): 24images - Scènes d'écran

Video producer : 24 images - Scènes d'écran

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Play the darkness

Time affects everyone and thwarts all attempts at control. Human beings have sought to exercise control over it since ancient times. In Play the darkness, the artists manage to play freely with him, teleporting from one place to another, slowing down his course. Characters from the distant past and messengers of the future travel through time and space to meet. In the dark, dancers abolish distances, control time and show the public how to escape from our reality. The fusion between the precision of the dance and the technology implemented in the show allows the awakening of our imagination and the deep instincts that lie dormant in us.

Source: Maison de la Danse de Lyon

Yokoï, Yuichi

Yokoi, the leader of El Squad, is a member of one of Japan’s biggest hip-hop dance companies, Electric Trouble. He is also the head of the group of dancers WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA, which includes the best Japanese dancers, all categories combined.
El Squad is the last dance company created in 2012 by Yokoi who, in addition to being an iconic dancer in Japan, is one of the most important figures on the hip hop scene internationally.

Source: Golden Stage Tour

Riolon, Luc

After studies of mathematics preparatory class and medecine studies, Luc Riolon begins to make films within the framework of his Faculty of Medicine, then met the famous choreographers of the 80s (Maguy Marin, Mark Tompkins, Josef Nadj, Daniel Larrieu Daniel, Odile Duboc, Josette Baiz, Angelin Prljocaj, etc.) with whom he shoots numerous films (re-creation for the camera, the illegal securements). In the 80s with the American choreographer Mark Tompkins he introduces the video on the stage, broadcasting live on big screens the images which he shoots with his camera by being on the stage with the dancers, mixing live images and pre-recorded images. With Daniel Larrieu he participates in the creation of the famous show WATERPROOF, the contemporary choreography which takes place in a swimming pool, by filming live) the dancers dancing in the water and mixing the live images with pre-recorded underwater images. This choreography has been shown in many countries (USA, Canada, Spain, England…)
Then he collaborates during 10 years with the famous french TV producer Eve Ruggieri for her programs" Musics in the heart ". He shoots with her of numerous documentaries about classical music, opera singers and dance. From 1999 he directs documentaries of scientific popularization, by following researchers attached to the resolution of a particular ecologic enigma. These two artistic and scientific domains which can seem separated are nevertheless, for Luc Riolon, connected by the same approach : the deep desire to understand the world, by the art or by the scientific research, and to restore it to the largest number. Among his recent scientific documentaries, we can quote for example " The Enigma of the Black Caiman ", Living and dying in the swamp " or " The Nile delta: The end of the miracle ". “Chernobyl, a natural history ? “ These documentaries of scientific popularization recently have been awarded in international festivals.

Source: Vimeo

El Squad

El Squad is the last dance company created in 2012 by Yokoi, who, in addition to being an iconic dancer in Japan, is one of the most important figures on the international hip hop scene. With his dancers covered with electronic wires - luminescent, moving in the dark as if they were floating in the air or teleporting, the numbers in El Squad have a huge impact on spectators. The public has the impression of being transported into a world where the real and the virtual mix. The company's videos have garnered over 55 million views on YouTube. Performed in over 30 different countries, their "Glow dance" has gained worldwide recognition. El Squad is a true pioneer in its genre, and has helped perpetuate this type of dance, so that it is not just a passing trend.

Source: Maison de la Danse de Lyon

Play the darkness

Artistic direction / Conception : Yokoi

Interpretation : Yokoi, Shingo, Shiori, Sumako, Yu, Show'key, Yuma, Serena, Maho et Konitan

Lights : Hideo Hasegawa

Costumes : Show'key

Production / Coproduction of the video work : 24images - Scènes d'écran

Golden stage

Created in 2015 as part of the Villette Street Festival, the Golden Stage has become, over the years, an essential moment for hip hop dance, a stage where the best French and international crews challenge each other with formats combining performance and creation, all led by a master of ceremonies to retain the spirit of hip hop culture and its energy.

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