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Jours étranges

Montpellier Danse 2016 - Director : Labrosse, Sylvain

Choreographer(s) : Bagouet, Dominique (France)

Present in collection(s): Montpellier Danse

en fr

Jours étranges

Montpellier Danse 2016 - Director : Labrosse, Sylvain

Choreographer(s) : Bagouet, Dominique (France)

Present in collection(s): Montpellier Danse

en fr

Jours étranges, re-creation 2016

Jours étranges, re-creation 2016

« My work of sharing the contemporary dance repertoire comes from a very simple desire. A desire to transmit and re-interpret a creation to reveal something new and different. With Jours étranges, I wanted to teach the dancers the meticulously written choreography of Bagouet but at the same time allow them to find freedom within this writing. Supported by the attentive work of the dancers, lighting engineer, musician and costume designer, it is the show itself which is put to work. 

Jours étranges was created around 5 songs by the Doors from their album Strange Days. The show brings into play different choreographic situations in which Dominique Bagouet was trying to « unlearn » a set of skills which he could not shake at the time. The result is both burlesque and poetic. The structure of the show is precise, but the content is directly linked to the quality of the dancers.

Six women for Jours étranges

For this re-creation I only looked for experimented dancers, but I wanted a cast who was different and somehow missing from the original creation. Therefore, to challenge the original creation, it made sense to hire an exclusively female cast. I believe that this gathering of women, this interpretation and updating of the show gives a new distinctive tone to Jours étranges»

Catherine Legrand, June 2016.

Bagouet, Dominique

Angoulême, July 9 1951 - Montpellier, December 9 1992

From 1965, Dominique Bagouet received a classical instruction from Rosella Hightower in Cannes, and was firstly engaged in the Ballet du Grand Théâtre of Geneva at Alfonso Cata's in 1969. He danced the following year with the Félix Blaska's company and joined Béjart's 20th Century Ballet in Brussels. The experience lasted two years and continued with the Chandra group (where Maguy Marin also worked).

Back to Paris in 1974, Dominique Bagouet took tuitions with Carolyn Carlson and Peter Goss. He also danced in the Joseph Russillo's, Anne Béranger's and Peter Goss' companies. Then he left for the United States where he discovered with Jennifer Muller, Lar Lubovitch and others, the techniques of the American schools.

Back to France in 1976, he presented his first choreography “Chansons de nuit” at the Concours de Bagnolet and won the first prize with a mention for research. He then founded his first company. He created play after play, at a fast pace he deplored, in order to make his company survive. Until 1979, he created 14 plays, sometimes hastily and unsatisfactorily.

With “Sous la blafarde”, the young choreographer began to stand out and Montpellier became his haven: the town welcomed the company and gave it the resources to exist as Bagouet was asked to set up and run the Centre Chorégraphique Régional de Montpellier. Besides, he was to create in this town the Festival International Montpellier Danse that he would run until 1982.

Dominique Bagouet created then some of the most outstanding plays in French contemporary choreography, from “Insaisies” (1982) to “Necesito, pièce pour grenade” (1991), the last commission written to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Spanish town.

With plays such as “Déserts d'amour” (1984), “Le Crawl de Lucien” (1985) and “Assaï” (1986), Dominique Bagouet clearly established his own personality and style. All these plays registered his very particular style, sometimes referred to as ‘neobaroque', but above all very subtle and inventive. Bagouet's choreographic approach developed the dance movement with numerous short gestures (movements with hands and feet, special incline of the chest…) with terrific precision and no mannerisms.

Moreover, and this is another characteristic of Bagouet, the choreographer always managed to work with talented artists, such as Christian Boltanski, Pascal Dusapin for “Le Saut de l'ange” (1987), Tristan Murail for “Déserts d'amour” or the actress Nelly Borgeaud for the superb “Meublé sommairement” (1989) choreographically adapted from a novel by Emmanuel Bove.

He also directed two films with Charles Picq: “Tant mieux, tant mieux!” (1983) and “Dix anges, portraits”(1988), from “Le Saut de l'ange".

If a Bagouet style existed, it would also lie in this curiosity which influenced a whole generation.

His company's dancers founded in 1993 Les Carnets Bagouet, an association dedicated to preserving and passing on the choreographer's artistic heritage. They offer the repertoire to other companies and schools.

Source: Extract of “99 biographies pour comprendre la jeune danse française” in les saisons de la danse, summer 97, special issue.

More information:

Labrosse, Sylvain


Sylvain Labrosse, director and scheduler of several cinemas in Paris and Creteil from 1988 to 1993, is now a scriptwriter and director of short fictional movies and documentaries. In 1995, Virage Nord was selected and screened in about thirty French and international film festivals including the renowned Cannes Festival. Virage Nord was awarded by the Foundation Beaumarchais. In 2002, La fosse Rouge was nominated to the short-film festival Lutins du court-metrage, was broadcasted on French TV, and received an award from the CNC. He is currently finishing his first feature film, Freres d’arme. Concurrently since 1998 he has been the technical manager of several dance troupes (Loïc Touzé, Latifa Laâbissi, Jennifer Lacey, Dominique Jégou, Claudia Triozzi, Compagnie Prana, etc…).

Les Carnets Bagouet

The association Les Carnets Bagouet was created shortly after the death of Dominique Bagouet on December 9 1992.

The choreographer had been directing the national choreographic centre of Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon for twelve years. His early death aroused the desire among his company's dancers to take the responsibility of the heritage left by the choreographer.


-       To think about the means to be developed in order to spread Bagouet's work, pedagogy, and style in a faithful and lively way, and to think about perpetuating his approach.

-       To make of it an active heritage by carrying on showings of his works through stage productions as much as through training of future dancers.

-       To contribute to organize a reflection on the notion of choreographic heritage, through a collective study and using the experiences of every one, as performers of Dominique Bagouet and as contemporary dancers in general who then become ‘passers' according to Laurence Louppe.


Yet, the members of the Carnets Bagouet artistic board do not want to preserve the choreographic repertoire in the traditional sense of the word, they rather want to pass on to the present contemporary dancers, and wherever it will be requested, this ‘state of mind', this ‘changing thinking', and the traces left in them by Dominique Bagouet's dance.


French and foreign dance companies and students in training centres have already rerun some plays since 1993. Complete plays or extracts, shows or simple workshops, they have all allowed the dancers who have taken charge of passing on to refine their approach, and also to perceive more clearly the real issue of this work and its difficulties, always keeping in mind the words the choreographer used to say to his performers:  ‘live in peace with yourself'.

The team of the Carnets Bagouet


Further information:

Last update: October 2014

Jours étranges, reprise 2016

Artistic direction / Conception : Catherine Legrand

Choreography : Dominique Bagouet (1990)

Interpretation : Magali Caillet, Lucie Collardeau, Katja Fleig, Elise Ladoué, Pénélope Parrau, Annabelle Pulcini

Set design : Laurent Gachet, adaptée par Vincent Gadras

Original music : The Doors : extraits de l'album Strange days

Lights : Didier Martin

Costumes : Laure Fonvieille

Sound : Thomas Poli

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy Co-production : Théâtre National de Bretagne ; Le Triangle, cité de la danse à Rennes ; Le Théâtre/Scène nationale de Mâcon Val de Saône Avec le soutien de : Adami, Jacques et Martine Bagouet ; Collectif Danses Rennes Métropole Remerciements : Le Musée de la Danse pour le prêt de studio

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