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Randai, danse martiale issue du randai, théâtre dansé de Sumatra Ouest [transmission 2018]

Randai, danse martiale issue du randai, théâtre dansé de Sumatra Ouest [transmission 2018]

Randai, danse martiale issue du randai, théâtre dansé de Sumatra Ouest [transmission 2018]

An extract remodelled by Danse-Les-Danses-Asie (Paris, Île-de-France), artistic manager Desita Atma, as part of the “Danse en amateur et répertoire” programme (2017/2018) (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing). 

Transmission by Ilse Peralta Lopez. 

Presented on 26 May 2018, Les 2 Scènes, Théâtre Ledoux, Besançon.

The group 

Danse les Danses-Asie (Paris, Île-de-France)

The group was created by Desita Atma, an Indonesian dancer who has lived in Paris for the past twenty years. Desita Atma disseminated Indonesian dance in a variety of Paris structures and, in particular, at the Centre de danse du Marais, before creating her own structure, Danse les Danses-Asie, within which she continues this dissemination work. The group performed at the Buddha Bar in 2014 as part of the World Heritage Day, at the Indonesia festival, as well as at the 104 for the Rencontre de danse indonésienne (Indonesian Dance Encounters) that same year, at the Cirque d’Hiver in 2015, and at the Couleurs de l’Indonésie (Colourful Indonesia) festival at the Maison des associations in the 15th district of Paris in 2016. 

The project

Indonesia, a transcontinental country of more than 17,000 islands, possesses a great cultural diversity, particularly present in its dance. Randai dance is a composite form of dance and theatre, in which the scenes played alternate with dances derived from martial arts accompanied by songs and musics. The acting and songs set out narratives, taken from the folk tales and legends of the Minangkabau, the largest ethnic group in West Sumatra. Minangkabau culture is matriarcal, representative of the Indonesian archipelago and Asia. This region forms part of the main heritages of Indonesian art and dance. 

Chaumeille, Ivan

Film director, Ivan Chaumeille, has worked with choreographer Dominique Brun a long time, most notably in the production of + One (2014), a creative documentary scheduled as part of the festival “Vidéodanse”, in the editing of which Rafaël Gubitsch participated; he filmed and edited two versions of Afternoon of a faun, choreographed by Vaslav Nijinski for the film Le Faune -un film ou la fabrique de l’archive. He also carried out interviews, and devised and formulated the ROM and video dimensions of the DVD (2007). He shot video sequences for the show Medea-Stimmen by Virginie Mirbeau, created at Festival Les Météores CNN du Havre (2008). With a background in philosophy, he produced a creative documentary entitled Avec François Châtelet, un voyage différentiel (2010) for the collection “À Contre-temps” in co-production with Groupe Galactica, Mosaïque films and Canal 15.

Gubitsch, Rafaël

Rafaël Gubitsch, who is a camera operator, film editor and photographer, produces documentaries and videos around plastic art, music and dance.

He recorded videos by the artist Elliott Causse “Fluctuations” in the context of his numerous installations and monumental frescoes. The film Propagations (2015) portrays the opening of the exhibition, which has the same name as his creation.

He made several documentary videos for Trio Talweg including the EPK of their album Trios avec piano (2018), the recording of which is shown at the Arsenal of Metz.

He has been assistant film editor with Ivan Chaumeille several times, including for + One (2014), a creative documentary scheduled as part of the festival “Vidéodanse”.

As a photographer, he planned the exhibition Urbanicités (2016) with Corentin Hervouët at the 39/93 in Romainville, which focuses on daily life and the city, the multitude of loneliness.

Rafaël has been the audiovisual operator of the exhibition hall of the Philharmonie de Paris since 2016.

Randai, danse martiale issue du randai, théâtre dansé de Sumatra Ouest [transmission 2018]

Interpretation : Martine Houssin, Nelly Gourves, Séverine Picault, Hermeline Polhaupessy, Marie Legendre, Ary Drean, Audran Le Guillou, Nadrah Kei Lanur, Kadek Puspasari, Philippe Chevenez, Cannelle Guhur

Additionnal music : Musique traditionnelle randai avec le soutien de Christophe Moure

Video conception : Ivan Chaumeille et Rafaël Gubitsch

Duration : 15 minutes

Danse en amateur et répertoire

Amateur Dance and Repertory is a companion program to amateur practice beyond the dance class and the technical learning phase. Intended for groups of amateur dancers, it opens a space of sharing for those who wish to deepen a practice and a knowledge of the dance in relation to its history.

Laurent Barré
Head of Research and Choreographic Directories
Anne-Christine Waibel
Research Assistant and Choreographic Directories
+33 (0)1 41 83 43 96

Source: CN D

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