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Cartes postales chorégraphiques : Mali #1

Maison de la danse 2006 - Director : Aussel, Étienne

Choreographer(s) : Noël, Kettly (Haiti)

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Cartes postales chorégraphiques

en fr

Cartes postales chorégraphiques : Mali #1

Maison de la danse 2006 - Director : Aussel, Étienne

Choreographer(s) : Noël, Kettly (Haiti)

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Cartes postales chorégraphiques

en fr

Cartes postales chorégraphiques

A choreographic postcard is a three-minute danced duet that responds to choreographic, musical and filmic rules that allow aesthetic sharing. » Dominique Hervieu
This project was initially entitled "« L’Art de la rencontre, – Cartes postales chorégraphiques pour les francofffonies ! » And was sponsored by francofffonies! festival francophone in France (March 16-October 9, 2006).
It gave rise to the creation of twelve filmed duets, including six from the Montalvo-Hervieu Company and six from Malian, Tunisian and Cambodian choreographers, grouped together in a DVD: « L’Art de la rencontre, – Cartes postales chorégraphiques pour les francofffonies ! » by Dominique Hervieu

Noël, Kettly

Kettly Noël is Haitian. She discovered dance as a young student in Port-au-Prince, and chose to make it her career, finishing  her accountancy studies at the same time. She performed in “Nanlakou” (1995), then choreographed a film clip for Angélique Kidjo, “Agolo”. In 1996 she moved to Benin, where she discovered the foundations on which her approach is based: “From the time I arrived in Cotonou, I tried to understand what I was doing. In order to understand, I taught by sharing and I learned by teaching.” It was with this new vision that she began work training local young people in contemporary dance and organised them into a company. Today, they are all members of the Benin National Ballet. In 1999 she left and settled in Mali where she matured her approach by stages: in 2000 she set up the Donko Seko centre, then two companies: Jeune Compagnie  and Les Enfants de la Rue. She also ran a dance and choreographic research studio, which had the first proper dance floor in Bamako, in 2001. In 2002 she set up the first modern dance festival in Bamako, "Dense Bamako Danse”. Exchange and sharing are always the guiding principles in her work. An exchange where generosity rivals respect for others.  Ever since, her work has been based on the meaning of movement, its roots, and the common spring which waters them. Alongside her training and teaching work, Kettly Noël has composed a number of pieces: “Cousin, Cousine”, “Tichelbe” (2002), “Gaou”, “Autre” and “Errance” (2004), the solo which brought her international acclaim. More recently, she created the duet “Correspondances” with the South-African dancer Nelisiwe Xaba in 2007, the ensemble piece “Chez Rosette” in 2008, "Zone humide imaginaire" in 2009 and "Je m'appelle Fanta Kaba" in 2010.

Source: Théâtre ONLINE

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Aussel, Étienne

Etienne Aussel is a director of documentary films, multi-camera recordings, dance films. Videographer for performing arts and digital arts, he directs audiovisual projects. Trained as a shooting operator, he entered professional life in 1999 through contemporary dance and until 2008 worked as a video collaborator with choreographers José Montalvo and Dominique Hervieu on creations and international tours of shows (Paradis, Babelle Heureuse, On danƒe, Les Paladins, Porgy and Bess).
Tour de Babelle A first documentary on dance of which he is the author was broadcast in 2004 on the Mezzo channel.
In 2009 he followed the training course in documentary cinema at the Ateliers Varan in Paris.
Two of his films made in French-speaking West Africa, Mowa and Autour de Tassiga, are distributed by Éditions l'Harmattan.
Between 2013 and 2015, he directed with Valérie Gabail the film SACRES, a feature documentary in official competition at FIPADOC in Biarritz and awarded at various international festivals.
He collaborates in video with artists such as the painter Guy Oberson, the choreographers Nasser Martin-Gousset, Aïcha M'Barek and Hafiz Dhaou, or the Nobel Prize for Literature Gao Xingjian whose latest feature film Le Deuil de la beauté is edited. .
In 2012 and 2016, he co-signed with choreographer Claire Jenny the staging of two pieces: Effigies, interactive video installations and performances broadcast at the National Center for Dance in Pantin, at the Abbaye de Noirlac and Echo, a piece choreography for 5 dancers (shown at the Atelier de Paris, at the CDA d'Enghien-les-Bains, at the Théâtre de Vitry)
At the same time, he teaches video creation for live shows at the 3IS film school and edits 52-minute films for various production companies. Holder of a Master 2 D2A in Law, Economics and Audiovisual Management and 2017, he is involved as assistant to the coordination and in the selection committee of the International Documentary Film Festival Après Varan for the edition 2019.
He works regularly as a director or chief editor at the Théâtre National de la Danse - Chaillot, at the CN D Cinémathèque de la danse or at the Atelier de Paris - CDCN, with the production companies 24 Images and Films d'un jour / OPSIS TV.

Personal website with extracts of his achievements:

Cartes postales chorégraphiques : Mali #1

Artistic direction / Conception : Dominique Hervieu

Choreography : Kettly Noël

Interpretation : Carmen Ribes et Ousmane Kone

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Coproduction ARTE France, Senso Films, Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val de Marne Compagnie Montalvo-Hervieu Sous l'implusion de «francofffonies! le Festival Francophone en France» avec la participation du CNC et du MAE, avec le soutien de la PROCIREP et de l'ANGOA, en association avec NRK, YLE Teema / Distribution internationale : Poorhouse International Grand Prix Golden Prague 2007

Duration : 4'50

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