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Love Sonnets

Numeridanse 1993 - Director : De Mey, Thierry

Choreographer(s) : De Mey, Michèle Anne (Belgium)

Present in collection(s): Numeridanse , Charleroi danses [2005-2016]

Video producer : Eroïca Productions

en fr

Love Sonnets

Numeridanse 1993 - Director : De Mey, Thierry

Choreographer(s) : De Mey, Michèle Anne (Belgium)

Present in collection(s): Numeridanse , Charleroi danses [2005-2016]

Video producer : Eroïca Productions

en fr

Love Sonnets

Love Sonnets


film / 1993 / 23'

A film about Love and dance, Love Sonnet couples together seven sonnets signed by those who dance them.
Sonnets where words are swapped for movement.
Sonnets whose rhythms embrace Scarlatti's sonatas for harpsichord and traditional aria from Southern Italy.
Sonnets where rhymes, numbers and verbal colours seek consonance with what can be seen as a cinematographic melodic line.

It can suffer it self, but not know it self,
It can cover it self, but not obtain it self,
The soul that, in movement can see it self.
Cannot in the defunct tranquillity find
Beauty, who is the fire in movement,
And living it cannot be assuraged


Director: Thierry De Mey
Choreography Michèle Anne De Mey
Based on performance: Sonatas 555
Dancers: Manolo Canteria, Pascale Gigon, Olivier Koch, Anouk Llaurens, Monica Marti, Joanna O’Keeffe, Pierre Rubio, Deborah Salmir, Mat Voorter.
Music: Sonatas for Harpischore by D. Scarlatti interpreted by Scott Ross, Aria Nova Traditional Music from Calabria
Cinematography: Luc Benhamou
Camera: Philippe Guilbert and Jorge Léon
Editing: Rudy Maertens
Sound mixing: Thomas Gauder
Sound : Ricardo Castro
Production Manager : Anne Quirynen
Production supervisor: Christine Tinlot
Production Eroïca Productions
Coproduction Cie Michèle Anne De Mey, Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles (CBA)
With the support of Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique, BRTN.

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Dernière mise à jour : novembre 2012

De Mey, Michèle Anne

This has been a fantastic year for her. Kiss & Cry, an original stage object summoning up object theatre, music, words and nanochoreographies for four hands and dealing with the memory of feelings of love, has won unanimous international acclaim. People have emerged from the show overwhelmed and talking about their own emotional stories. She and Jaco Van Dormael have created it with a group of artists, making it a very personal experience since feelings of love, this thread running through her work, are in a way sublimated here: the film-maker is none other than her partner. Powerful music, telling of the affair from its fickle beginnings to the final split, is another constant in her work and woven into her choreographic universe: Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony in Sinfonia Eroica, the 7th in Neige and the Lamento d’Arianna in her latest piece, a solo she is creating specially for one of her faithful performers. All in all another declaration of love.

Michèle Anne De Mey is currently working on a solo for the dancer Gabriella Iacono based on Monteverdi’s Lamento d’Arianna.

De Mey, Thierry

Thierry De Mey, born in 1956, is a composer and filmmaker. An instinctive feel for movement guides his entire work, allowing him to tackle and integrate a variety of disciplines. The premise behind his musical and filmic writing is the desire for rhythm to be experienced in the body or bodies, revealing the musical meaning for the author, performer and audience. He has developed a system of musical writing for movement used in pieces where the visual and choreographic aspects are just as important as the gesture producing the sound, such as in "Musique de tables" (1987), "Silence must be!" (2002) and "Light Music", which premiered at Lyon's Musiques en Scène biennial festival in 2004.

A large part of his music production is intended for dance and cinema. He has often been more than a composer for the choreographers Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Wim Vandekeybus and his sister Michèle Anne De Mey, offering his precious collaboration in the invention of "formal strategies" – to use a favourite expression of his. Among his main work let us mention "Rosas danst Rosas", "Amor constante", "April me", "Kinok" (choreographies by A. T. De Keersmaeker), "What the body does not remember", "Les porteuses de mauvaises nouvelles", "Le poids de la main" (choreographies by W. Vandekeybus), "Dantons Töd" (dir. Bob Wilson), "Musique de table", "Frisking" pour percussions, un quatuor à cordes, "Counter Phrases", etc.

He participated in the foundation of Maximalist! and the Ictus ensemble which created several of his pieces (dir. G E Octors). His music has been performed by major ensembles such as the Arditti Quartet, the Hilliard Ensemble, London Sinfonietta, Ensemble Modern, Muzikfabrik and the Orchestre Symphonique de Lille. Thierry De Mey's installations, in which music, dance, video and interactive processes work together, have been presented in events such as the Venice and Lyon biennials as well as in many museums. His work has received national and international awards (Bessie Awards, Eve du Spectacle, Forum des compositeurs de l'Unesco, FIPA, etc). The film/installation "Deep in the wood" (2002-2004) involved more than 70 dancers/choreographers. For the film "Counter Phrases" (2003-2004), nine composers answered his dance/film invitation : S. Reich, F. Romitelli, M. Lindberg, T. Hosokawa, G. Aperghis, J. Harvey, L. Francesconi, R. De Raaf and S. Van Eycken. In 2003, the working process with ATDK for "April me" was the subject of a documentary entitled "Corps accord", produced by ARTE which has also broadcast and co-produced most of his films.

Since July 2005, Thierry De Mey is artistic director of Charleroi/Danses along with Pierre Droulers, Michele Anne De Mey and Vincent Thirion.

In 2006, he realised an installation adapted from Perrault's tale, "Barbe Bleue" (Bluebeard), plus a film, "One Flat Thing, reproduced" based on the choreography by William Forsythe and broadcast by Arte in October. In 2007 he made From Inside for the Charleroi/Danses Biennale, an interactive installation in the form of a triptych. For the 2009 Charleroi/Danses Biennale, he created "Equi Voci", a polyptych of dance films accompanied by orchestral music and which includes "Prélude à la mer", a film based on one of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker's most beautiful choreographies which he shot by the Aral Sea in October 2009. His latest film – "La Valse", choreographed by Thomas Hauert and the ZOO dance company – completes and close this project.

Source : Charleroi/danses

More information :

Love Sonnets

Artistic direction / Conception : Thierry De Mey

Choreography : Michèle Anne De Mey - Basée sur la pièce : Sonatas 555

Interpretation : Manolo Canteria, Pascale Gigon, Olivier Koch, Anouk Llaurens, Monica Marti, Joanna O'Keeffe, Pierre Rubio, Deborah Salmir, Mat Voorter

Additionnal music : Sonatas pour Harpischore de D. Scarlatti interprété par Scott Ross, Aria Nova Traditional Music de Calabria

Sound : Ricardo Castro

Other collaborations : Cinema: Luc Benhamou - Caméra: Philippe Guilbert et Jorge Léon - Montage : Rudy Maertens - Mixage son : Thomas Gauder

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Production : Eroïca Productions Coproduction Cie Michèle Anne De Mey, Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles (CBA) Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique et BRTN

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