2018 - Director : Stora, Raphaël
Choreographer(s) : Lehlouh, Saïdo (France)
Present in collection(s): CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne
2018 - Director : Stora, Raphaël
Choreographer(s) : Lehlouh, Saïdo (France)
Present in collection(s): CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne
Performance chorégraphique éphémère, Apaches est un spin off de la création Wild Cat de Saïdo Lehlouh. Hors ou au plateau, en solo et en groupe, Apaches convoque en un même lieu et instant des danseurs, longtemps considérés comme à la marge.
Ce que l’improvisation permet d’authenticité, le chorégraphe s’en saisit pour proposer, dans chaque ville, un véritable espace d’expression désormais ouvert aux amateur.e.s de danse, néophytes comme professionnel.le.s. Les danseur.euse.s sont invité.e.s à composer une tribu hétéroclite pour vivre et révéler toute la beauté d’une danse instinctive et spontanée.
Lehlouh, Saïdo
In the mid-90s, the style produced by the Parisian b-boying scene stunned the world with a new vision of breakdance. Wild Cat, Saïdo Lehlouh’s first choreographic attempt, created in 2018, foregrounds this style distinguished by its fluidity and its truly feline refinement. The dancer and choreographer’s stint as a breaker with the Bad Trip Crew informs the sincerity of his gesture which tends toward introspection and submission to gravity while lending explosive force to his performance within the circle.
Having cut his teeth on street dance, the choreographer offers an alternative sequel to his début show with his 2019 composition, Apaches. Saïdo Lehlouh makes use of the authenticity afforded by improvisation in a versatile stage piece that perpetually adapts to the context of each performance. Whether in a public space or on stage, Apaches arranges bodies and sets them to rhythm in a transitional space where the circulating energies and sincere intentionality are the message.
By taming the floor through touch, “Darwin” continuously builds a corporal vocabulary responsive to the needs of the moment. With his partner Johanna Faye, the other member of the Black Sheep dance company, Saïdo Lehlouh explores in Iskio (2015), and later in Fact (2017), the possibilities of speaking out in a choreographic dialog. Together, Saïdo Lehlouh and Johanna Faye created Earthbound (2021), a celebration through dance of the rebel and underground hip hop scene’s diversity which questions the stage’s performative codes.
Saïdo Lehlouh is associate artist fo Théâtre de la Ville-Paris and Cratère, scène nationale of Alès.
Source: CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne
Stora, Raphaël
Danseur issu de la scène hip-hop new style, Raphaël Stora, est créateur vidéo. Parmi ses films, il écrit et réalise "Les promesses du sol" (2017), websérie produite par Arte qui rembobine avec nostalgie les premiers battles de break et les rencontres qui ont bouleversé le parcours du réalisateur. Une ôde à la génération street dance, qui retranscrit la puissance des gestes imprimés sur le bitume parisien.
Témoin de l’évolution d’un mouvement, complice de ses acteurs, Raphaël Stora participe activement à la production de films et de documentaires de la scène artistique émergente. Il collabore notamment avec Saïdo Lehlouh, Bonnie Banane, Ndoho Ange et Pac Pac.
instagram : @raphaelstora
CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne
With a background in hiphop and all its influences, we represent a new generation of choreographers. Our driving force—dance, as well as art brut—draws on self-taught skills and takes on a universal dimension that informs our values. It is dance that allows us to forge a cross-disciplinary dialog with other aesthetics and to be in touch with reality. We affirm the use of making (faire) as a way of relating to the world, as well as a method of appropriating, through action and reaction, our immediate environment and of infusing it, whenever possible, with desire, poetry, justice, imagination, joy, sharing, and community…
Gathered together, enriched by our differences and by our individual artistic approaches, we have been able to sweep aside the residual modalities of writing specific to our respective fields of aesthetics. We thus invite you to discover our worlds and partake in the auteur dance that fits perfectly within the panorama of contemporary dance.
Source: CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne
Apaches de Saïdo Lehlouh
Choreography : Saïdo Lehlouh
Interpretation : distribution variable - de 10 à 135 danseurs
Artistic consultancy / Dramaturgy : Johanna Faye (regard complice)
Sound : Kevin Haccoun (arrangements sonores)
Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Une création de la Cie Black Sheep Production : Garde Robe Production déléguée : Collectif FAIR-E / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne Projet finaliste du concours Danse élargie 2018 organisé par le Théâtre de la Ville – Paris et le Musée de la danse – Rennes, en partenariat avec la Fondation d’entreprise Hermès.
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Garde Robe
Duration : variable
K. Danse's artistic partners
Animal Kingdom, participant's words
Yield Variations on dissuasive urban furniture
Noé Soulier Rethinking our movements
Indian dances
Discover Indian dance through choreographic creations which unveil it, evoke it, revisit it or transform it!
Amala Dianor: dance to let people see
Body and conflicts
A look on the bonds which appear to emerge between the dancing body and the world considered as a living organism.
When reality breaks in
Dance and performance
Here is a sample of extracts illustrating burlesque figures in Performances.
The Dance Biennial Défilé
Dance and visual arts
Dance and visual arts have often been inspiring for each other and have influenced each other. This Parcours can not address all the forms of their relations; he only tries to show the importance of plastic creation in some choreographies.
The American origins of modern dance: [1930-1950] from the expressive to the abstract
EIVV 2022 Dancing with the camera
EIVV 2022 Dancing with the editing
Why do I dance ?
Käfig, portrait of a company
Artistic Collaborations
Panorama of different artistic collaborations, from « couples » of choreographers to creations involving musicians or plasticians
Hand dances
This parcours presents different video extracts in which hands are the center of the mouvement.