Promenade Obligatoire
A walk for height poppers2017 - Director : Deparis, Arnaud
Choreographer(s) : Nguyen, Anne (France)
Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse
Promenade Obligatoire
A walk for height poppers2017 - Director : Deparis, Arnaud
Choreographer(s) : Nguyen, Anne (France)
Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse
PROMENADE OBLIGATOIRE is a non-stop on-stage journey along a timeline for eight popping specialists, an explosive hip-hop dance style based on blocked, isolated, dislocated muscle movements. From compact mass to molecular chains, from ideally ordered formations resembling military parades to differentiation, the dancers proceed through a succession of evanescent states. Together they comprise a moving matter endowed with a collective memory, their past evolutions re-emerging cyclically, confronting oblivion, instinct and the desire of creation. Along this living timeline, in which the individual struggles alternately against a deterministic path and his own imprisonment, the hip-hop dance is broken down and transposed into a lateral movement that becomes enchanting. Played out against an electronic musical score with industrial overtones, PROMENADE OBLIGATOIRE examines the various possible states of “togetherness” in an ever-changing society.
"Why is the dance beautiful? Answer: because it is an unfree movement. Because the deep meaning of the dance is contained in its absolute, ecstatic submission, in the ideal non-freedom." In Yevgeny Zamyatin’s dystopia We (1920), the promenade is a march in rows of four, in which the state of synchronization appears like a victory over the uncertainty of Nature.
Source : Compagnie par Terre
More information :
Nguyen, Anne
Dancer and choreographer of the par Terre Dance Company, Anne Nguyen is first and foremost a b-girl, specialising in hip-hop floorworks. She has performed with many hip-hop and contemporary dance companies such as Black Blanc Beur, Faustin Linyekula and Salia Nï Seydou… She formed part of the breakdance crews RedMask in Montreal, as well as Phase T, Def Dogz and Créteil Style in Paris, and has taken part in hundreds of battles, , either solo or in groups, winning several high-profile competitions, such as IBE 2004 or BOTY 2005. She has served as judge on many others, including BOTY 2006 and Redbull BC One 2007. She makes an appearance in the documentary film « Planet B-Boy » (2007).
Anne Nguyen also writes poetry, short prose items and articles on dance (« Danser magazine », « Repères, cahier de danse »). Excerpts from her collection of poems, the Manual of the City Warrior have been published in "Graff It ! magazine", on which she was chief editor of the dance section. Several pieces performed by the Company incorporate Anne Nguyen’s texts, recorded or spoken (« Square Root », « Spirit of the Underground »). Anne teaches hip-hop dance using a method based on postures, on the deconstruction of dance moves and on their subsequent deployment within the performance space. Since 2012, she has taught a technical and theoretical workshop on hip-hop dance at the University of Sciences Po Paris, called Hip-hop, a contemporary culture.
Source: Par Terre Dance Company 's website
More information :
Deparis, Arnaud
La Compagnie par Terre
Anne Nguyen, associated artist to Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse from 2015 to 2018, was awarded the 2013 SACD Nouveau Talent Choréographie prize and appointed Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2015.
The par Terre Dance Company is funded by l’aide pluriannuelle du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Ile-de-France, la Région Ile-de-France, l'aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne and le soutien du Département de Seine-Saint-Denis.
The par Terre Dance Company’s international tours have been supported several times by l'Institut Français, and occasionally by la Ville de Paris. The Dance Company has been supported several times by l’ADAMI for its productions. It has also previously been supported by ARCADI Ile-de-France. Autarcie (….) has been funded by Aide à l’écriture granted by the Beaumarchais-SACD association.
Since its creation in 2005, the par Terre Dance Company has been invited to take part in artist-in-residence programmes at Théâtre Louis Aragon, Scène conventionnée de Tremblay-en-France, at Théâtre 71, Scène nationale de Malakoff, at Le Rive Gauche, Scène conventionnée de Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, at Théâtre Paul Eluard de Choisy-le-Roi and at Le Prisme, Centre de Développement Artistique de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and at l'Espace 1789, Scène conventionnée de Saint-Ouen.
Source : Compagnie par Terre
More information :
Choreography : Anne Nguyen
Interpretation : Cintia Golitin, Claire Moineau, Blondy Mota-Kisoka, Sacha Négrevergne, Jessica Noita, Matthieu Pacquit, Rebecca Rheny, Mélanie Sulmona
Original music : Benjamin Magnin
Lights : Ydir Acef
Sound : Benoit Pouzol
Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Avec le soutien de : l’aide à la production d’Arcadi ; l’ADAMI ; le Conseil général du Val-de-Marne ; la Communauté de Communes Charenton – Saint-Maurice. Coproductions : Parc de la Villette ; Centre de Danse du Galion d’Aulnay-sous-Bois ; Les Théâtres Charenton – Saint-Maurice ; Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines (Fondation de France - Parc de la Villette, avec le soutien de la Caisse des Dépôts et l’Acsé) ; Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne ; CCN de La Rochelle / Poitou-Charentes ; CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Cie Käfig - dans le cadre de l’accueil studio. Avec le partenariat de : Centre national de la danse - mise à disposition de studio. La Compagnie par Terre reçoit l’aide pluriannuelle du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Ile-de-France, le cofinancement de la Région Ile-de-France, l'aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne et le soutien du Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis. Anne Nguyen est artiste associée à Chaillot, Théâtre National de la Danse jusqu’en 2018.
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Arnaud Deparis. Filmé le 2 mars 2014 au Festival Les Hivernales – CDC d’Avignon.
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