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Figures non obligées

Piece for two dancers and four musicians

With their Figures non Obligées, Adeline Lerme and Bruno Benne provide a contemporary perspective on the repertoire of baroques dances transcribed as Beauchamp-Feuillet notation by using it as research source material and providing a creative reinterpretation. In addition to the dancers Concert Etranger quartet performs on the stage.

“Therefore everyone being placed following the same order, when His Majesty wishes to begin, he stands, and the Court stands with him. The King positions himself in the area of the apartment where the dance is to take place” (The Dancing Master, Pierre Rameau - 1725).

During the “Grand Bal” ceremonial during the reign of Louis XIV, a specific protocol was implemented to give political importance to choreographic art, way beyond a mere recreational activity. In hierarchical order following the King, couples followed one by one to dance alone in front of a crowd of enlightened, critical connoisseurs. The minuet, main dance at the time, was composed of standard figures that the dancing couple had to perform throughout that dance.

With their Figures Non Obligées (‘non-standard figures’), Adeline Lerme and Bruno Benne borrow liberally from the codes and repertoire of dances transcribed as Beauchamp-Feuillet to provide a creative, stylish reinterpretation in a highly modern world.

The six performers hijack the representation of the baroque body with its volumes and spirals and recreate the standard curtseys by shifting the looks on the royal couple and rethinking the image of the dancing master and the music score common to baroque musicians and dancers.

Updating March 2016

Benne, Bruno

Performer and choreographer specialised in baroque dances, BRUNO BENNE is developing a contemporary approach of that style to reinvent it today in new forms and thus provide a modern vision of baroque art.

He has been dancing for Béatrice Massin and Marie-Geneviève Massé since 2005. In 2012 he collaborated with Lucinda Childs for the creation of choreographies of Alessandro.

A regular guest abroad (United-States, Norway, Greece, Poland, Canada, etc.), he passionately shares his knowledge during workshops and collaborations.

In 2013, Bruno Benne founded the company Beaux-Champs, création baroque to pursue his reflection on creation based on the baroque heritage, transmission and influence.

Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Since 2001, the National Center for Dance (CND) has been making recordings of its shows and educational programming and has created resources from these filmed performances (interviews, danced conferences, meetings with artists, demonstrations, major lessons, symposia specialized, thematic arrangements, etc.).

Figures non obligées

Choreography : Bruno Benne

Choreography assistance : Estelle Corbière

Interpretation : Adeline Lerme, Bruno Benne

Artistic consultancy / Dramaturgy : Regard extérieur Béatrice Massin

Live music : Le Quatuor du concert étranger Olivier Briand, Jean-Luc Ho, Itay Jedlin, Andréas Linos

Additionnal music : Telemann, Corette, Guillemain

Lights : Thierry Charlier

Technical direction : Thierry Charlier

Duration : 58 minutes

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