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Maison de la danse 2011

Choreographer(s) : Monnier, Mathilde (France) Duroure, Jean-François

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Saisons 2010 > 2019

Video producer : Maison de la Danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin and at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr


Maison de la danse 2011

Choreographer(s) : Monnier, Mathilde (France) Duroure, Jean-François

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Saisons 2010 > 2019

Video producer : Maison de la Danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin and at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Pudique acide / Extasis

Choreography Mathilde Monnier, Jean-François Duroure

Dance performance Sonia Darbois, Jonathan Pranlas

Pudique acide was world premiered in march, 1984 in New York and Extasis in november, 1985 at the Maison de la Danse in Lyon Mathilde Monnier and Jean-François Duroure created the first duo of Pudique Acide in New York, a time of nervous and clever writing. Extasis picks up this work and intensifies the data. You will find the same wild invention which gallops through all the styles, the same insistence to exhibit, as burning
scars, the multiple traces of a heritage of which they are the point of convergence. Cunningham, Viola Farber, François Verret, Pina Bausch are evoked as much as their body language comments, amplifies, digests and breaks.
Dressed the same, first in Scottish kilts, then in rustling flounces under man's coats, they (explicitly) affirm the bitter lives of angels. Not the androgynous split, but the reduplication of the sex. Each, in their own ambiguity and, ironically, holding back, condenses in themselves the sum of all the desires. A strip-tease, a violent scribbling coming from the lips of the male : we break in, just like with Pina Bausch, around the Object, exceeding it constantly.
Hence the exchanges of skin, hands, intertwined legs under the tulle. “Heated” skin until exhaustion. The trivial sonorities of Kurt Weill, the words (of the Brecht from Berlin) do not evoke brothels and tartar steaks for nothing.

Laurence Louppe . art press january 1986

Source: National Choreographic Center Montpellier Languedoc-Rousillon, France


Chorégraphie Mathilde Monnier, Jean-François Duroure interprétation Sonia Darbois Jonathan Pranias musique kurt weill, bernard herrmann lumière Eric Wurtz réalisation costume Laurence Alquier
Coproduction De hexe, Maison de la Danse Lyon
Remerciement Institut français de Copenhague
Coproduction recréation théâtre de la cité internationale - paris . théâtre garonne - toulouse . CCN de montpellier languedoc-roussillon avec l'aide du conservatoire de strasbourg, cité de la musique et de la danse

« Pudique acide » a été créé en mars 1984 à new-york et « Extasis » en novembre 1985 à la maison de la danse de lyon
Recréation le 20 juin 2011 . en ouverture du festival Montpellier Danse 2011 en Languedoc-Roussillon, festival uzès danse

Réalisation Charles Picq date du document vidéo 2011 production Maison de la Danse

Updating: June 2011

Monnier, Mathilde

Mathilde Monnier holds a reference position in the French and international contemporary dance landscape. Her creations continuously defy expectations thanks to constant renewal. Her nomination as director of the Centre Chorégraphique de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon in 1994 has initiated a series of collaborations with people coming from different artistic domains. From artist Beverly Semmes to philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy from film director Claire Denis, Mathilde Monnier has always pushed the boundaries of a work she sees as an experience above all. Musical creation holds an important position with very varied collaborations within the fields of popular as well as scholarly music - jazz musician Louis Sclavis, composers David Moss and Heiner Goebbels, virtuoso platinist eriKm. More recently, she has used PJ Harvey's rock music but also the pink pop settings 2008 vallée, the show she co-created with singer Philippe Katerine. It came to a glorious end in the Main Courtyard at the 2008 Avignon festival. Fascinated by the concept of unison, she created the pastoral Tempo 76 show at the Montpellier Danse 07 festival on Gyôrgy Ligeti's music. In february 2008 she was commissionned by the Berlin Philarmonic Orchestra conducted by Simon Rattle to choreograph Heiner Goebbels opera, Surrogate Cities. More than 130 amateurs went on stage to take part to an opera dealing with the city and the power struggle within. The same year, she presented the burlesque duet Gustavia in which she appeared along with spanish performance artist La Ribot at the Montpellier Danse 08 festival. In 2009, she created Pavlova 3'23'', in reference to the classical ballet The Death of The Swan. In 2010, working in close collaboration with visual artist Dominique Figarella, Mathilde Monnier created the show Soapéra, and subsequently paid homage to Merce Cunningham by way of the show Un américain à paris. In 2011, together with choreographer Loïc Touzé and writer Tanguy Viel, Mathilde Monnier created Nos images, a work focusing on film. Together with Jean-François Duroure, she restaged Pudique acide / Extasis at the Festival Montpellier Danse 11, two duos that the choreographers created in 1984 and 1985.

Source : Mathilde Monnier 

En savoir plus : 

Duroure, Jean-François

Jean-François Duroure began his dance training at the age of 14 with Dominique Bagouet and then with Odile Duboc and Josette Baiz. He enrolled in the CNDC d'Angers at the age of 16 and went on to join the Viola Farber Dance Company. He was awarded a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture to study in New York with Merce Cunningham. Along with Mathilde Monnier, he created Pudique Acide and Extasis, which propelled them into the choreography spotlight. At the age of 19, he was hired by Pina Pausch at the Tanztheater Wuppertal, where he began performing in a wide-ranging repertoire. He thus became one of the few French dancers to be instilled by both of these dance wizards.
When he was 22, he set up his own company and began delving into the many aspects of choreographic creation. He developed a personal approach to teaching based on the study of movement, its dynamics and qualities, and on the impact of stage presence, with a focus on interweaving different artistic fields, especially music. In 2001, he was appointed Head Choreographer of the choreography program at the Conservatoire Cité de la Danse et de la Musique in Strasbourg, where he advocates a breed of dance that hinges on improvisation and personal creation as the expression of inner life.

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