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Deus ex Machina

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2018 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Seyoung, Jeong (Seyoung, Jeong)

Present in collection(s): Centre national de la danse , CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Deus ex Machina

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2018 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Seyoung, Jeong (Seyoung, Jeong)

Present in collection(s): Centre national de la danse , CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Deus ex Machina

Subtitled “Leap, Hop, Jump, Land”, this variation on Deus ex Machina refines Jeong Seyoung’s reflections on the power of theatrical  illusions. Initially focused on an upward movement, given that, in his  words, flight is intrinsic to the staging of artifice, the performer is  now examining its opposite, descent, after accidentally finding himself  perched on a light bar, with no idea of how to regain terra ferma.

Seyoung, Jeong

In a minimalistic staging, using trivial objects (a kettle, an inflatable ball, ventilators...) or the most elementary theatrical  mechanisms, he tests out various ways to act with and against gravity, through a variety of leaps, limits, falls and landings. His distinct sense of derision here guides a dramaturgy of non-spectacular action, which is nonetheless presented as being magical, and joyfully critical of the norms of stage performance. Born in 1980 in South Korea, Jeong Seyoung studied theatre at the University of Hoseo and scenography at  the Pavillon Bosio (Monaco), before taking a master’s in dance with Exerce at the CCN in Montpellier. Since 2013, he has been developing his project Deus ex machina (God from the machine), and won the first prize at “Danse Élargie” in Seoul in 2016, thanks to his performances, installations and videos.

Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Since 2001, the National Center for Dance (CND) has been making recordings of its shows and educational programming and has created resources from these filmed performances (interviews, danced conferences, meetings with artists, demonstrations, major lessons, symposia specialized, thematic arrangements, etc.).

Deus ex Machina

Artistic direction / Conception : Jeong Seyoung

Interpretation : Jeong Seyoung, Lee Sinsil, Seo Jaeyoung

Artistic consultancy / Dramaturgy : Lee Jaemin

Lights : Lee Hyunkyu

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Spectacle créé en 2017 au Korean National Contemporary Dance Company. Version initiale créée en 2013 dans le cadre de Exerce, Centre chorégaphique national de Montpellier.

Duration : 50 minutes

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Our themas suggestions


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Why do I dance ?

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Discover how the notion of ritual makes sense in various dances through these extracts.



[1970-2018] Neoclassical developments: They spread worldwide, as well as having multiple repertoires and dialogues with contemporary dance.


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