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Description d'un combat

Maison de la danse 2009 - Director : Picq, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Marin, Maguy (France)

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Saisons 2000 > 2009

Video producer : Compagnie Maguy Marin;Maison de la Danse

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Description d'un combat

Maison de la danse 2009 - Director : Picq, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Marin, Maguy (France)

Present in collection(s): Maison de la danse , Saisons 2000 > 2009

Video producer : Compagnie Maguy Marin;Maison de la Danse

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Description d'un combat

“The human being that you are, with your body keeping rhythm with space and time, if the time that is allotted to you seems so short, and that if even a second escapes you, does it mean your life itself has flown away?
Arrived too late, or maybe too early, for nothing! Under the light that created the shadow, with one single sweep, yet you clash.            
And here you are, stuck in the midst of contradictory forces, fighting against the circumstances yet to come – forcing the old ones and past situations not to bury themselves - pushing the next ones to rise up.      
In such a way, swathed with goodwill, or badwill, your present is their shock, and your resistance their persistence (for one as for the other, helped by one as by the other, depending)             
so that they do not feel oppressed or annihilate themselves.            
So, right in the heart of this “seasickness on terra firma”, through the bifurcation that your presence interjects, you make this past and this future, that perpetually end and begin, exist.  
And, tirelessly, you seek in this place (your place) – this confluence of forces struggling, the distance you require that will offer you an impartial view of what is being played out.       
Will it be necessary to rise above the ever-burning front, to find, in the diagonal cleared by your encounter, the position to hold?         
The place where your position can stand its ground, your position of third parties – witnesses, relays, a position that will offer the opportunity, under any circumstances, to do away with the dire tugs-of-war that have been engaged, and that will open the door, that is not so far away, to a space where friendship reigns.
But will the endless, irascible struggle leave you with enough breath?        
Ever-so devouring by its persistence, it keeps on pushing you away from this possible transmittable conciliation, and leaves you simply embedded in the existence of this rift of time that confronts, that makes your dwelling ground a battle field.
So, perhaps you shouldn't seek to bridge the breach, but rather to “learn to move forward”?           
Experiment and criticize, in this gathering of bodies positioned, coming and going, over periods of time.
Rise up thanks to life, in the middle of those who have gone and those yet to come, taking the burst from the past, which “hasn't even passed” like an interval summoned to be populated without suppressing the in-between. Not being afraid of forgetting the name of the inherited “treasure” since it had never planned its own coming.
“- Oh, what's wrong, you're all bent!   
- Yes, but you need to understand that a bend is probably the shortest path to reach what seems to be unreachable, or even unexpected.”

Source : Compagnie Maguy Marin

Marin, Maguy

Maguy Marin was born in Toulouse in 1951 and studied dance at the conservatory there before joining the Strasbourg Ballet. In 1970 she was accepted at Maurice Béjart’s school Mudra, where she stayed three years before becoming a soloist (for four seasons) with the Ballet of the 20th Century, under the direction of Maurice Béjart. A turning point would come at the end of this period seeing her shed all her previously held conceptions “allowing a multitude of creative choices, liberty and also constraints to emerge. Nothing was ever the same”. She also began questioning the body types idealized within the dance world, a subject that would become central in her work. “With Maurice Béjart the body was magnified. Youth, virtuosity, everything sparkled. And I had a problem with that. I asked myself what happened to all those other bodies, the ones that were infirm, misshapen or uncoordinated, but who managed to keep standing nonetheless.” 

Between 1980 and 1997 Maguy Marin was based at the Maison des arts in Créteil, with her company becoming an official Choreographic Centre in 1985. 

From 1998 until 2011 she directed the National Choreographic Centre in Rillieux-la-Pape. After which time the company once again became independent, setting up in Toulouse in order to continue their creative research. In 2015 the company moved again, this time to Sainte Foy-lès-Lyon, where they set up in an old carpentry factory. Their tenure there would allow them to continue to open up the immaterial space of that which is shared, something that obstinately seeks to make itself manifest while encouraging the unfolding of a new ambitious project: RAMDAM, AN ART CENTRE. It is a place of horizontal sharing, dedicated to hosting artists and audience members alike. It is also a place intent on facilitating an on-going exchange and continuous circulation between those conducting research, amateurs, students, spectators and volunteers; as well as creating bridges between different artistic practices, laboratories, places for public relations, education and reflection. 

- 1978: Grand Prix du Concours chorégraphique international de Bagnolet - 2003: Grand Prix de la danse du Syndicat de la critique for
Les applaudissements ne se mangent pas
- 2003: American Dance Festival Award 

- 2006: Special jury prize Syndicat de la critique for Umwelt
- 2008: Bessie Award for Umwelt presented at the Joyce Theater
- 2008: Grand Prix de la danse du Syndicat de la critique for Turba
- 2011: Prix Danza & Danza for “Best Contemporary Dance Piece » for Salves - 2016: Golden Lion, Venice Biennale 

More information :

Picq, Charles

Author, filmmaker and video artist Charles Picq (1952-2012) entered working life in the 70s through theatre and photography. A- fter resuming his studies (Maîtrise de Linguistique - Lyon ii, Maîtrise des sciences et Techniques de la Communication - grenoble iii), he then focused on video, first in the field of fine arts at the espace Lyonnais d'art Contemporain (ELAC) and with the group « Frigo », and then in dance.
   On creation of the Maison de la Danse in Lyon in 1980, he was asked to undertake a video documentation project that he has continued ever since. During the ‘80s, a decade marked in France by the explosion of contemporary dance and the development of video, he met numerous artists such as andy Degroat, Dominique Bagouet, Carolyn Carlson, régine Chopinot, susanne Linke, Joëlle Bouvier and regis Obadia, Michel Kelemenis. He worked in the creative field with installations and on-stage video, as well as in television with recorded shows, entertainment and documentaries.

His work with Dominique Bagouet (80-90) was a unique encounter. He documents his creativity, assisting with Le Crawl de Lucien and co-directing with his films Tant Mieux, Tant Mieux and 10 anges. in the 90s he became director of video development for the Maison de la Danse and worked, with the support of guy Darmet and his team, in the growing space of theatre video through several initiatives:
       - He founded a video library of dance films with free public access. This was a first for France. Continuing the video documentation of theatre performances, he organised their management and storage.
       - He promoted the creation of a video-bar and projection room, both dedicated to welcoming school pupils.
       - He started «présentations de saisons» in pictures.
       - He oversaw the DVD publication of Le tour du monde en 80 danses, a pocket video library produced by the Maison de la Danse for the educational sector.

       - He launched the series “scènes d'écran” for television and online. He undertook the video library's digital conversion and created Numeridanse.

His main documentaries are: enchaînement, Planète Bagouet, Montpellier le saut de l'ange, Carolyn Carlson, a woman of many faces, grand ecart, Mama africa, C'est pas facile, Lyon, le pas de deux d'une ville, Le Défilé, Un rêve de cirque.

He has also produced theatre films: Song, Vu d'ici (Carolyn Carlson), Tant Mieux, Tant Mieux, 10 anges, Necesito and So schnell, (Dominique Bagouet), Im bade wannen, Flut and Wandelung (Susanne Linke), Le Cabaret Latin (Karine Saporta), La danse du temps (Régine Chopinot), Nuit Blanche (Abou Lagraa), Le Témoin (Claude Brumachon), Corps est graphique (Käfig), Seule et WMD (Françoise et Dominique Dupuy), La Veillée des abysses (James Thiérrée), Agwa (Mourad Merzouki), Fuenteovejuna (Antonio Gades), Blue Lady revistied (Carolyn Carlson).

Source: Maison de la Danse de Lyon

Description d'un combat

Artistic direction / Conception : Maguy Marin

Interpretation : Ulises Alvarez, Yoann Bourgeois, Peggy Grelat-Dupont, Sandra Iché, Matthieu Perpoint, Agustina Sario, Jeanne Vallauri, Vania Vaneau, Vincent Weber

Text : Homère, Victor Hugo, Charles Péguy, Lucrèce, Ezra Pound, Heinrich von Kleist, Élisabeth Ière d'Angleterre et Dolores Ibárruri

Original music : Denis Mariotte

Lights : Alexandre Béneteaud, Gilbert Guillaumond (régie)

Costumes : Montserrat Casanova assistée de Claudia Verdejo (conception) / Séverine Allain, Nelson Estibill, Claireline Gibert, Martin Peronard, Laura Pignon, Marie-Noëlle Scaglia (fabrication)

Settings : Louise Gros (conception) / Nicolas David, Aurélie Ducuing, Eric Faure, Nelly Geyres, Laetitia Tricoire, Aurora Van Dorsselaer (fabrication)

Technical direction : Alexandre Béneteaud

Sound : Antoine Garry

Other collaborations : Michel Rousseau (régie plateau)

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Coproduction Festival d'Avignon 2009, Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, MC2 de Grenoble, Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape/Cie Maguy Marin Avec l'aide exceptionnelle de la Région Rhône-Alpes

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Maison de la Danse,

Duration : 66'

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