2006 - Directors : Bizerril, Luis Carlos - Veras, Alexandre
Choreographer(s) : Gadelha, Ernesto (Brazil)
Present in collection(s): Centre de VidƩo Danse de Bourgogne
2006 - Directors : Bizerril, Luis Carlos - Veras, Alexandre
Choreographer(s) : Gadelha, Ernesto (Brazil)
Present in collection(s): Centre de VidƩo Danse de Bourgogne
Directors: Luis Carlos Bizzeril & Alexandre Veras
Choreographer: Ernesto Gadelha
Gadelha, Ernesto
Bizerril, Luis Carlos
Veras, Alexandre
Choreography : Ernesto Gadelha
Video conception : RĆ©alisateurs : Luis Carlos Bizzeril & Alexandre Veras
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Luis Carlos Bizerril & Alexandre Veras
Why do I dance ?
KƤfig, portrait of a company
Mexican Video Dance
Genres and styles
Dance is a rather vast term, which covers a myriad of specificities. These depend on the culture of a country, on a period, on a place. This Journey proposes a visit through dance genres and styles.
Strange works
Unconventional contemporary dance shows which reinvent the rapport to the stage.