Jazz - Epreuves de danse 2021. Variation N°17. Fin du 2ème cycle examen d'entrée en CEPI. Fille.
2018 - Director : Le Mao, Gilles
Choreographer(s) : Duchesne, Sylvie (France)
Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , Épreuves de danse - Archives danse jazz
Jazz - Epreuves de danse 2021. Variation N°17. Fin du 2ème cycle examen d'entrée en CEPI. Fille.
2018 - Director : Le Mao, Gilles
Choreographer(s) : Duchesne, Sylvie (France)
Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , Épreuves de danse - Archives danse jazz
Epreuves de danse 2021. Danse Jazz. Variation N°17. Fin du 2ème cycle examen d'entrée en CEPI. Fille.
The variations proposed by the French Ministry of Culture are teaching aids. They are designed to form a didactic tool allowing each teacher to transmit dances in the context of a choreographic culture.
We strongly recommend that teachers consult the enclosed leaflet, which presents for each variation a biographical note of the choreographers and musicians as well as comments on each dance.
The end of cycle 1 and 2 variations can be technically adapted by teachers, who have excellent knowledge of their students and are seeking for them the most appropriate physical commitment. The variations for end of cycle 3, DNOP (national diploma of professional orientation) in dance, Bac TMD (Baccalauréat in music and dance techniques) with dance option, EAT (French technical capability examinations), are extracts from repertoires and, as such, must respect the artistic writing. Moreover, some variations can be danced both by boys and girls, according to the choice of the student, candidate or teacher.
Duchesne, Sylvie
Guériaux, Thibaut
Le Mao, Gilles
Epreuves de danse 2019. Danse Jazz. Variation N°17. Fin du 2ème cycle examen d'entrée en CEPI. Fille.
Choreography : Sylvie Duchesne
Interpretation : Alison Castillo
Original music : Thibaut Guériaux
Other collaborations : Avec le concours de la délégation à la danse, de l'inspection à la création artistique , collège Danse.
Production / Coproduction of the video work : La Huit Production à partir d'une commande du Ministère de la Culture
Roots of Diversity in Contemporary Dance
Maison de la danse
Dance and music
The relationship between music and choreographic works varies throught dance history.
Hip hop / Influences
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Genres and styles
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