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Αγρίμι (Fauve)

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2023 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Kaklea, Lenio (Greece)

Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Αγρίμι (Fauve)

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2023 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Kaklea, Lenio (Greece)

Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Αγρίμι (Fauve)

Forests are many things, ranging from fragile ecosystem, and biodiversity reserve, to place of fascination and legend. They are also everyday spaces for walking, foraging, hunting, observation and listening. The forest is an area where we might roam, lose ourselves, hide, or shelter. They exert a profound attraction on our bodies – as a place of transformation, flux and exchanges between organisms. Drawing on research spanning both anthropology and the imagination, the choreographer Lenio Kaklea traverses the foliage and woodland, with the objective of reinventing the presences which inhabit them over the course of rituals and dances which render these bodies permeable to their environment. Seizing upon the forest as a poetic, powerful, and dangerous force, rather than decor or landscape, Αγρίμι (Fauve) gives us the opportunity to experience identities that are in a constant state of metamorphosis – by turns meditative, untamable, eruptive or ecstatic.

Source: programme of the CND

Kaklea, Lenio

Lenio Kaklea was born in Athens and now lives in Paris; she is a dancer, choreographer, director and writer. She was trained in the Athens conservatory and she joined the Angers CNDC in 2005, before embarking on a MA in experimental arts and politics directed by Bruno Latour in Sciences Po Paris. Since 2009, she has been working on projects that include dance, performance, text and film; an important part of her work is devoted to the project Encyclopédie pratique: de 2016 à 2019, in which she explores European territories and gathers close to 600 narratives testifying to the habits, rituals and trades that compose and characterize these territories. She was awarded the Dance prize by the Hermès Italia Foundation and the Milan Triennial in 2019, and she created her autobiographical solo Ballad. In 2021, she choreographed Age of Crime, a piece for nine dancers, for the bicentennial of the Greek Independence war for the Athens and Epidaurus Festivals. That same year, she choreographed to the emblematic prepared piano piece by John Cage, Sonatas and Interludes, accompanied on stage by pianist Orlando Bass.

Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Since 2001, the National Center for Dance (CND) has been making recordings of its shows and educational programming and has created resources from these filmed performances (interviews, danced conferences, meetings with artists, demonstrations, major lessons, symposia specialized, thematic arrangements, etc.).

Αγρίμι (Fauve)

Choreography : Lenio Kaklea

Choreography assistance : Assistant de création Dimitris Mytilinaios

Interpretation : Lenio Kaklea, Georgios Kotsifakis, Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Artistic consultancy / Dramaturgy : Dramaturgie et recherche Lou Forster

Stage direction : Lenio Kaklea

Video conception : Éric Yvelin

Lights : Bruno Pocheron

Costumes : Olivier Mulin

Settings : Clio Boboti - Assistante de décor Filanthi Bougatsou

Technical direction : Régie générale Éric Yvelin

Sound : Éric Yvelin

Other collaborations : Paysage Sophie Laly - Entraînement pole dance Mandy Fragiadaki

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Administration et direction de production Chloé Schmidt

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Enregistré au CND le 8 décembre 2023

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