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Compagnie Irène K. 2020 - Director : Van der Straten, Damien

Choreographer(s) : Kalbusch, Irene (Belgium)

Present in collection(s): Teasers Compagnie Irene K.

Video producer : NDB Film

en fr


Compagnie Irène K. 2020 - Director : Van der Straten, Damien

Choreographer(s) : Kalbusch, Irene (Belgium)

Present in collection(s): Teasers Compagnie Irene K.

Video producer : NDB Film

en fr

Kalbusch, Irene

In 1977, she founded the Compagnie IRENE K.

She created many pieces for theatre, pieces for children.

She organizes the “Dance and Industry” festival and the” Dance in the City” Festival.

She coordinates workshops and pedagogic projects. She creates also performances for site specific work that she likes particularly. She likes to open her creation to the world and to have to take account of environment and architecture by integrating it, by opposing or ignoring. This work creates a relationship not only with the wall, the door, a bench or tree but with the inhabitants or passers-by. So it is a social event that takes place. Art dares to invest places that are not reserved for it at first. A particular relationship emerges: art hits, surprises, amuses or irritates but never lets indifferent. She regularly works on interdisciplinary projects.

Source: Irene K. Company

More information:

Van der Straten, Damien

NDB Film

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