2022 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation
Choreographer(s) : Van der Schoot, Bianca (Netherlands) Boogaerdt, Suzan (Netherlands)
Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances
Video producer : Centre national de la danse
Integral video available at CND de Pantin
2022 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation
Choreographer(s) : Van der Schoot, Bianca (Netherlands) Boogaerdt, Suzan (Netherlands)
Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances
Video producer : Centre national de la danse
Integral video available at CND de Pantin
A dormitory. Motionless sleeping figures. What images pass through our subconscious in the depths of sleep, and what wisdom might we draw from them? This is the question that guided the Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot duo in Fremdkörper (literally: “foreign body”). For the two Dutch artists, this piece takes on the dimension of a ceremony, a rite of passage to the limits of consciousness. Fremdkörper was created in 2020, when Bianca van der Schoot began to dream at the time of the first lockdown. Her experience led to the duo’s interest in public hypnosis sessions on YouTube, Buddhist contemplations and research into sleep rituals in ancient Greek temples. With Fremdkörper, Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot extended a series entitled Future Fossils, which explores what artistic creation can mean if humans are no longer at the centre of the world. Combining elements of performance and visual installation, Fremdkörper places the audience at the bedside of sleeping characters, all the better to dream of a more liveable future.
Source: programme of the CND
Van der Schoot, Bianca
Suzan Boogaerdt and Bianca van der Schoot, who trained in Amsterdam, have been working together since 1999. Known as a duo under the name Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot, their pieces, at the intersection of performance and visual arts, look at the relationship between humans, nature and technology. After exploring visual culture in the series Visual Statements (2011-2014), they worked on digital creatures in Future Fossils, and are currently developing a series entitled Rooms for Transformation.
Boogaerdt, Suzan
Suzan Boogaerdt and Bianca van der Schoot, who trained in Amsterdam, have been working together since 1999. Known as a duo under the name Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot, their pieces, at the intersection of performance and visual arts, look at the relationship between humans, nature and technology. After exploring visual culture in the series Visual Statements (2011-2014), they worked on digital creatures in Future Fossils, and are currently developing a series entitled Rooms for Transformation.
Centre national de la danse, Réalisation
Since 2001, the National Center for Dance (CND) has been making recordings of its shows and educational programming and has created resources from these filmed performances (interviews, danced conferences, meetings with artists, demonstrations, major lessons, symposia specialized, thematic arrangements, etc.).
Artistic direction / Conception : Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot
Interpretation : Klara Alexova & Niels Kuiters
Set design : Lotte Goos
Lights : Theun Mosk
Costumes : Costumes et poupées Karin van der Leeuw, Erik Bosman & Sara Hakkenberg - Accessoires Tamar Stalenhoef
Sound : Remco de Jong & Florentijn Boddendijk
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Enregsitré au CND le 23 juin 2022 dans le cadre de Camping 2022
Noé Soulier Rethinking our movements
Les Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis
Dance and performance
Here is a sample of extracts illustrating burlesque figures in Performances.
States of the body
Explanation of the term « State of the body » when it’s about dance.
The BNP Paribas Foundation
Dancing bodies
Focus on the variety of bodies offered by contemporary dance and how to show these bodies: from complete nudity to the body completely hidden or covered.
Dance and visual arts
Dance and visual arts have often been inspiring for each other and have influenced each other. This Parcours can not address all the forms of their relations; he only tries to show the importance of plastic creation in some choreographies.
Scenic space
A dance performance takes place in a defined spatial area ... or not. This course helps to understand the occupation of the stage space in dance.
Arts of motion
Generally associated with circus arts, here is a Journey that will take you on a stroll through different artists from this world.
Genres and styles
Dance is a rather vast term, which covers a myriad of specificities. These depend on the culture of a country, on a period, on a place. This Journey proposes a visit through dance genres and styles.
Dance at the crossroad of the arts
Some shows are the meeting place of different trades. Here is a preview of some shows where the arts intersect on the stage of a choreographic piece.
Modern Dance and Its American Roots [1900-1930] From Free Dance to Modern Dance
At the dawn of the 20th century, in a rapidly changing West, a new dance appeared: Modern Dance. In the United States as in Europe, modern trends emerge simultaneously and intertwine in thier development. Let's dive into the beginnings of American modern dance!
The Dance Biennale
Western classical dance enters the modernity of the 20th century: The Ballets russes and the Ballets suédois
If the 19th century is that of romanticism, the entry into the new century is synonymous of modernity! It was a few decades later that it would be assigned, a posteriori, the name of “neo-classical”.
The American origins of modern dance. [1960-1990] Postmodern dance and Black dance: artistic movements of their time
While the various forms of modern dance that emerged from the late 1920s onwards continued to develop, evolve and grow internationally, a new generation of dancers arose in a changing America.