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Camping 2019

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2019 - Director : Mréjen, Valérie

Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Camping 2019

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2019 - Director : Mréjen, Valérie

Present in collection(s): CN D - Spectacles et performances

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Camping 2019

This film is the result of a workshop with the French artist Valérie Mréjen whose objective was to produce a film at and about Camping in June 2019: first by defining a working framework, then, in small teams, filming the participants in the workshops and the artists, so as to gather together the materials for a pluralistic film mingling documentary shots and a series of interviews. This film, a portrait of the creative effervescence which is special to Camping, provides each person with a space to develop and experiment with their own artistic approach. 

Source: program of the CN D

Mréjen, Valérie

A visual artist, photographer and writer, Valérie Mréjen studied at the École National Supérieure d’Arts of Paris-Cergy. She made her first videos in 1997. Her work mingles different types of told or experienced narratives which she rewrites and rearranges, taking her inspiration from memories, everyday events, the cruel or burlesque details of existence, commonplaces or misunderstandings. Le Jeu de Paume devoted an exhibition to her in 2008, "La place de la concorde". She is also the author of several narratives published by Editions Allia ("Eau sauvage", 2004, "L’agrume", 2001) and P.O.L ("Troisième Personne", 2017), scenic objects ("Trois hommes verts" in 2014 or "Mano Rana" in collaboration with Dominique Gillot in 2019), and films ("En ville" in 2011 or "Enfant chéri" coproduced with Bertrand Schefer in 2016). 

Camping 2019

Artistic direction / Conception : Valérie Mréjen

Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Les prises de vue et prises de sons ont été réalisées par Anne-Charlotte Hartmann, Chloé Giraud, Hélène Marcon, Joséphine Privat, Mélissa Boucher, Raoul Riva, dans le cadre du workshop animé par Valérie Mréjen pendant Camping 2019 (17-21 juin 2019)

Choreography : Irène Tassembédo, Germaine Acogny, Rihoko Sato, Thomas Hauert, Bouchra Ouizguen, Kabboura Aït Ben Hmad, Ming Wong & Yu Cheng Ta, Elsa Wolliaston

Interpretation : Victor Lattaque, Volmir Cordeiro, Irène Tassembédo, Jordan Ricks, Jinglin Liao, Elsa Dumontel, Matthieu Patarozzi, Nia Odum, Lina Schlageter et l'ensemble des "campeurs" : participants à Camping, danseurs professionnels et étudiants issus de 29 écoles d'arts à travers le monde

Video conception : Montage Lisa Calvet ; Coordination Maï-Manuelle Lucas, Stéphane Caroff ; Conception et réalisation Valérie Mréjen

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Production CN D Centre national de la danse. Avec le soutien du ministère de la Culture, Direction générale de la création artistique

Duration : 13 minutes

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Our themas suggestions

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Meeting with literature

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 Discovery of improvisation’s specificities in dance. 



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Black Dance

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