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Méli-Mélo II

Méli-Mélo II

Méli-Mélo II

Artistic direction Philippe Lafeuille

Méli-Mélo II (le retour) is an invitation to the world of dance, in its widest sense.
A show that proposes movement at all costs, in all its forms and in all styles: contemporary, classical, aquatic, ethnic, technique, rhythmic, ancient, cybernetic, parodic, humoristic.
Multidances that are multiform because this show is a representation of dance, of theatre, of clowning and also of puppeteering.

Sources: Maison de la Danse of Lyon performance programme


Direction artistique Philippe Lafeuille
interprètes Anthony Couroyer, Philippe Lafeuille, Xavier Senez, Philippe Tarride, Jacques Vidal
manipulatrice Audrey Lantery
costumes Ramón Ivars, Mine Barral Vergez, Entresorts perruques Carlos Montosa, Nicole Princet
lumières Dominique Mabileau
bande-son Philippe Lafeuille assisté de Bruno Courtin
régisseur plateau Éric Capuano
régisseur général Fred Ruiz
chorégraphie/mise en scène Philippe Lafeuille
administratrice Giovanna Bruno
direction artistique D.BETTY'S, Philippe Tarride

partenaires du spectacle : Compagnie Chicos Mambo / DBetty's Productions, Théâtre du collège de la Salle d'Avignon/ Festival d'Avignon 2006, ODCP Spectacles, Centre international de danse jazz-Rick Odums

avec le soutien de : Maison de la Danse de Lyon, Scène Nationale de Cergy-Pontoise

Les Chicos Mambo remercient la Maison de la Danse et toute son équipe, et tout particulièrement Guy Darmet, pour son accueil et son amitié fidèle... pour cette porte toujours ouverte...

Ce spectacle est dédié à Marti Boada et Adolfo Colmenares «los primeros».

production Maison de la Danse date du document vidéo 2006 réalisation vidéo Charles Picq

durée de l'œuvre 1h20

Updating : december 2011

Lafeuille, Philippe

Philippe Lafeuille is a dancer, choreographer and director. After discovering dance through a Maurice Béjart show, he decided to enrol in a programme at the Académie Solange Golovine, and was soon dancing for a variety of choreographers such as Joseph RUSSILLO and later Peter GOSS, for whom he would perform the main plays. During his career, Philippe Philippe Lafeuille also danced with Madonna and even Rudolf NUREYEV. A multifaceted artist, each of his creations is a playing field where all genres are mixed: dance, theatre, humour, visual arts… Anything is possible!

He began his choreography career by founding CHICOS MAMBO, for whom he was the principal performer. With this first company, he did what he enjoyed the most – turning dance into comedy! Philippe Lafeuille enjoys surrounding himself with artists in his creations, not just for the lighting and sound, but also for the visual universe (sets, costumes). Among other things, for several years he has been working with the illuminator Dominique Mabileau, and the visual artist Corinne Petitpierre, who participated in the creation of "Tutu".    

A generous artist, cultural activity has played an important part in his career. With the desire to make the repertoire and choreographic culture accessible, he is an Associated Artist at the Scène Nationale de Cergy-Pontoise on projects such as dance workshops in schools, amateur dance groups, etc.

Source: Val production / Tutu

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