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file 00:00:49
Write the movement
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video 01:50
La Belle Dame
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file 02:08
Feuillet : La Bourgogne
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file 03:24
Zorn, Stepanov et Benesh
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video 05:44
Sketches animation in music
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video 06:24
Air for the G String
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file 09:07
La Bourgogne partitions Feuillet et Laban
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video 09:48
Le Bel Aujourd'hui
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file 09:48
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file 10:29
Report card RIFT of François Raffinot
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video 11:51
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file 12:32
Partitions of Révolution and Tragédie by Estelle Corbière
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file 14:20
DVD Covers
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video 14:33
Elements of composition
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video 14:40
Global Comparative Analysis of movement direction
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video 14:50
Composition Analysis
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video 15:00
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video 15:20
Ein Körper im Raum
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video 17:43
Disegnare il movimento
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Write the movement


A myriad of methods have been invented for analysing dance and putting it into perspective and for accompanying the ‘tool’ that is essential to its memory, the dancer’s body. This webdoc presents the challenges of movement notation.

Write the movement

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La Belle Dame

Fondation BNP Paribas 2011

Choreographer(s) : Massin, Béatrice (France)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse


Feuillet : La Bourgogne

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Zorn, Stepanov et Benesh

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Animation des croquis en musique

Air for the G string

Numeridanse 1928

Choreographer(s) : Humphrey, Doris (United States)

Le bel aujourd'hui



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Report card RIFT of François Raffinot

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Choreographer(s) : Dubois, Olivier (France)


Partitions of Révolution and Tragédie by Estelle Corbière

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DVD Covers

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Éléments de composition

Analyse comparative globale des déplacements directionnels

Analyse de la composition

Air for the G string - solo

Ein Körper im Raum

Maison de la danse 2014

Choreographer(s) : Cottin, Raphaël (France)

Video producer : Charlotte Rousseau

disegnare il movimento


Conception and artistic direction Julie Charrier With the participation of Noëlle Simonet, dancer, choreographic writing at Laban and somatic educator in Body Mind Centering, La Compagnie Labkine’s director Video direction and editing Bérénice Meinsohn Light Sébastien Jourdan Image and sound recording Emmanuel Lopez Extract and animation DVD 1 et 2 Croquis de parcours, Compagnie Labkine / Révolution - Olivier Dubois / Ein Korper im Raum - Raphaël Cottin, direction Charlotte Rousseau, Disegnare il movimento, Segni Mossi. © - Maison de la Danse Direction Dominique Hervieu With the support of theof General Secretariat of Ministries and Coordination of Cultural Policies for Innovation (SCPCI) – Regional management of the Rhône-Alpes Cultural Affairs, Artistic and cultural Education support. is a project in association with the Centre national de la danse sponsored by the ministere de la Culture et de la Communication and with the support of the BNP Paribas Foundation and Harlequin Floors. Our thanks to à Lise Daynac, Juliette Riandey, Etienne Guiol, Myriam Gourfink, Raphaël Cottin, Edouard Pelleray, Naoko Abe, Estelle Corbière, Florence Gaillard, TLM - Télé Lyon Métropole
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