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L'écume des nuées

Residents Production Caen 2017

L'écume des nuées

Residents Production Caen 2017

L'écume des nuées

Ménard, Phia

Phia Ménard is an author, performer, scenographer, director and juggler. It was in 1991 that she began to train to the Arts and especially to the juggling and the actor’s movement. She became a student with Jérôme Thomas, learning the techniques of juggling and composition. She integrates the company on the creation « Hic Hoc ». With this team she traveled to several continents, learning to be an interpreter, improviser and creator of several shows of the company until 2003: « Le socle » (The base) choreography by Cécile Bornes, « Le banquet » (The banquet), "Hioc", « 4 », « qu'on en finisse une bonne fois pour toutes… » (Let's finish it once and for all…).

Meanwhile, she meets Hervé Diasnas and Valérie Lamielle, follows the teachings of her dance practice and interprets two pieces: "The tattooed page" and "Badaboum".

She founded the Non Nova Company in 1998 and began to write her own plays. It was with the solo, «Ascenseur, fantasmagorie pour élever les gens et les fardeaux », created in 2001, that she will be recognized as an author and supported for her singular and personal approach. His company became associate artist for three seasons at the National Scene Le Carré at Château Gontier (2003/2006). She develops with the teams of Non Nova and the Scène Nationale, a work on the visibility of the artist's approach and various experiments. The « Zapptime, the awakened dream of a zapper », will take place during this period, the "Jongleur pas confondre" show with Jean-Michel Guy (sociologist), "Fresque et sketches 2nd round", and off-piste events: « Est-il vraiment sérieux de jongler ? » (Is it really serious to juggle?), « Ursulines Dance Floor », « Ursulines Mushroom Power ». In 2005, she was invited by Jean Blaise to the Lieu Unique, Scène Nationale de Nantes for « Zapptime # remix ». Follow « Touch It » and « Doggy Bag ». From 2008, it develops the concept of I.C.E. (Complementary Tangibility of Elements) with the creation of "P.P.P. "At the Subsistances de Lyon and « L’après-midi d’un foehn Version 1 » at the Museum of Natural History in Nantes. She collaborates and performs the "Iceman" performance with Collectif La Valise for the film « Coyote pizza ». In response to the invitation of the SACD and the Festival d'Avignon 2010, she wrote « Black Monodie » with the sound poet Anne James Chaton. In 2011, she creates the wind parts, « L’après-midi d’un foehn » and « VORTEX ».

Source: Biennale de la danse de Lyon

En savoir plus

Van Wassenhove, Alban

centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie

A place for dance open to everyone, where people come to see, dance and talk.

The centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie is a space of shared projects that questions the world in which we live, a receptive place where dance is at the heart of an artistic, political and civic-minded vision. It is a centre for the creation, hosting, production and dissemination of choreographic works, a hub that acts as a resource for training and research. It is a place shared with artists, residents, associations and cultural institutions, a place open to artistic creation and the contemporary repertoire.

Awakening curiosity, stimulating the desire for knowledge, opening up to differences, sharing real artistic, intellectual and human experiences – these are the challenges identified by Alban Richard for the centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie.

L'écume des nuées

Artistic direction / Conception : Phia Ménard

Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Cécile Cozzolino

Interpretation : 36 habi­tants de 17 à 77 ans : Serge Aubert, El Meh­di Bayane, Annah Bougre, Sophie Briens, Mary­lène Car­ré, Cathe­rine Char­bon­nier, Ludo­vic Cour­tade, Michelle Dela­lix, Michel Delan­net, Del­hia Dufils, Auré­lie Dumou­lin­neuf, Elise Duriez, Rebec­ca Fels, Mar­tine Fils, Marie Gour­sey­rol, Anne-Sophie Ingouf, Monique Lang, Eve­lyne Lave­nu, Karine Lean­dri, Ulys Leblanc, Mar­tine Lebon, Fleur Leroux, Gre­go­ry Leroux, Claire Lethi­mon­nier, Natha­lie Mon­ti­gné, Pales­tine Ous­sa­dit, Sté­pha­nie Paly, Etienne Paris, Jean Remy, Hida Sahe­bi, André Arau­jo Sil­va, Col­chique Sipos, Svet­la­na Svet­lo­va, Lau­rence Tho­masse, Harold Tou­tain, Alain Vilan

Other collaborations : Equipe tech­nique Denis Dupuis, You­ri Duval, Audrey Quesnel

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Pro­duc­tion centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Normandie

Duration : 1 heure

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