We are Numeridanse : Anne Décoret Ahiha
2021 - Director : Deschamps, Tiffanie
Present in collection(s): Numeridanse , We are Numeridanse
We are Numeridanse : Anne Décoret Ahiha
2021 - Director : Deschamps, Tiffanie
Present in collection(s): Numeridanse , We are Numeridanse
We are Numeridanse
Artists, companies, institutions, these structures bring to the platform their audiovisual heritage, their knowledge, their expertise in favor of the choreographic art. For the platform's 10th anniversary, it was important and necessary to put the contributors of Numeridanse in the spotlight!
In order to celebrate them and so that Numeridanse users get to know them better, we have invited our contributors to answer a series of questions about their works, their inspirations, their desire for collaborations, their creation anecdotes.
Discover these artists in the We are Numeridanse collection!
Décoret-Ahiha, Anne
Anne Décoret-Ahiha is a dance anthropologist and holds a PhD from Paris 8 University.
As a lecturer, trainer and consultant, she develops proposals that focus on dance as a pedagogical resource and creates participative processes that concentrate on corporality. She runs the “Echauffements du spectateur” (Spectator warm-up sessions) at the Maison de la Danse.
Selective bibliography
- Les Danses exotiques en France : 1880 – 1940, Editions du Centre National de la Danse, 2004)
Grand prix de la critique 2004/2005 Palmarès danse, Outstanding Publication 2006 Award, décerné par The Congress on Research in Dance, New York.
- "Appréhender l'oeuvre chorégraphique autrement : les "Echauffements du spectateur" ", in Denis Cerclet & Michel Kneubühler (dir), Ré-inventer la politique culturelle ? Genouilleux, Editions La Passe du vent, 2012, pp. 325-335.
- "Danses du monde", livret du DVD Kit Chorale 21, outil pédagogique et artistique pour comprendre le développement durable, Tin-Tal production, 2008.
- « Le Tour du monde en 80 danses », livret du DVD réalisé par la Maison de la danse (Charles Picq) en partenariat avec le Centre régional de Documentation Pédagogique (CRDP), 2007
- « L'Exotique, l'ethnique et l'authentique : regards et discours sur les danses d'ailleurs », in Civilisations, vol. III, n° 1-2, Bruxelles : Université Libre de Belgique, 2006, p. 149-168.
More information
Updating : January 2013
Deschamps, Tiffanie
After training in video editing, Tiffanie Deschamps made her debut in television. From the start, she never ceased to build bridges between her work as an audiovisual editor and her activities as light manager and assistant director for live shows with the Mac Guffin collective. Co-founder and co-director of the Théâtre de l'Uchronie in Lyon since 2013, she naturally comes to portray theatrical and choreographic pieces, and to tell the dance, in particular within the Maison de la Danse de Lyon and during cultural events such as the Lyon Dance Biennale.
Jaï Production
Jaï Production was born in 2019 from a yearning to promote and produce Benin dancers and choreographs who, despite nearly non means, strive to create and perform tenaciously, with inventiveness, a prodigious energy and an undeniable talent.
Chaos Elégant, by Beninese choreographer Arouna Guindo is our first production (2020-2021).
Jaï Production aims to continue its process of identifying dancers and choreographers from this area of Africa and to highlight the abundant and promising choreographic activity that is unfolding on the continent.
It is also about contributing to documenting, through research, creation and promotion of dance archives, the strengthening of the contemporary African choreographic field which has beeing going on for about ten years and in which Hip hop and urban dances occupy an significant place.
We are Numeridanse
Artistic direction / Conception : Numeridanse
Additionnal music : "Alive Inside" - Reaktor
Video conception : Ladydinde
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Maison de la Danse
Animal Kingdom, participant's words
Yield Variations on dissuasive urban furniture
Noé Soulier Rethinking our movements
Vlovajobpru company
40 years of dance and music
Indian dances
Discover Indian dance through choreographic creations which unveil it, evoke it, revisit it or transform it!
The “Nouvelle Danse Française” of the 1980s
In France, at the beginning of the 1980s, a generation of young people took possession of the dancing body to sketch out their unique take on the world.
Body and conflicts
A look on the bonds which appear to emerge between the dancing body and the world considered as a living organism.
James Carlès
les ballets C de la B and the aesthetic of reality
Meeting with literature
Collaboration between a choreographer and a writer can lead to the emergence of a large number of combinations. If sometimes the choreographer creates his dance around the work of an author, the writer can also choose dance as the subject of his text.
When reality breaks in
States of the body
Explanation of the term « State of the body » when it’s about dance.
Discovery of improvisation’s specificities in dance.
A Numeridanse Story
The American origins of modern dance: [1930-1950] from the expressive to the abstract
Why do I dance ?
Genesis of work
A dance show is created in multiples steps between the enunciation of an initial desire which launch the project and the first representation. This parcours presents diff